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housing: IK08 Delivered with mounting housingRecessedInwall0049277INWALL 4 GRY DIR 35W G12 MGR T 35W and 70W wall recessed luminaire Suitable for High Intensity Discharge lamps Comes in a rectangular shape Fully integrated magnetic gear Generates a directed light beam High quality front with a plate with asymmetric outlet High protection class: IP55 Heavy-duty housing: IK08 Delivered with mounting housing EncastrsInwall0049277INWALL 4 GRY DIR 35W G12 MGRT 35W and 70W wall recessed luminaire Suitable for High Intensity Discharge lamps Comes in a rectangular shape Fully integrated magnetic gear Generates a directed light beam High quality front with a plate with asymmetric outlet High protection class: IP55 Heavy-duty housing: IK08 Delivered with mounting housingRecessedInwall0049277INWALL 4 GRY DIR 35W G12 MGRT 35W and 70W wall recessed luminaire Suitable for High Intensity Discharge lamps Comes in a rectangular shape Fully integrated magnetic gear Generates a directed light beam High quality front with a plate with asymmetric outBbT`nms1 4BHAVELLSSYLVANIA p= ףT 35W and 70W wall recessed luminaire Suitable for High Intensity Discharge lamps Comes in a rectangular shape Fully integrated magnetic gear Generates a directed light beam High quality front with a plate with asymmetric outlet High protection class: IP55 Heavy-duty housing: IK08 Delivered with mounting housingRecessedInwall0049277INWALL 4 GRY DIR 35W G12 MGRT 35W and 70W wall recessed luminaire Suitable for High Intensity Discharge lamps Comes in a rectangular shape Fully integrated magnetic gear Generates a directed light beam High quality front with a plate with asymmetric outlet High protection class: IP55 Heavy-duty housing: IK08 Delivered with mounting housingRecessedInwall0049277INWALL 4 GRY DIR 35W G12 MGRT 35W and 70W wall recessed luminaire Suitable for High Intensity Discharge lamps Comes in a rectangular shape Fully integrated magnetic gear Generates a directed light beam High quality front with a plate with asymmetric outlet High protection class: IP55 Heavy-duty housing: IK08 Delivered with mounting housingRecessedInwall0049277INWALL 4 GRY DIR 35W G12 MGRT 35W and 70W wall recessed luminaire Suitable for High Intensity Discharge lamps Comes in a rectangular shape Fully integrated magnetic gear Generates a directed light beam High quality front with a plate with asymmetric outlet High protection class: IP55 Heavy-duty housing: IK08 Delivered with mounting housingEinbauInwall0049277INWALL 4 GRY DIR 35W G12 MGRT 35W and 70W wall recessed luminaire Suitable for High Intensity Discharge lamps Comes in a rectangular shape Fully integrated magnetic gear Generates a directed light beam High quality front with a plate with asymmetric outlet High protection class: IP55 Heavy-duty housing: IK08 Delivered with mounting housingRecessedInwall0049277INWALL 4 GRY DIR 35W G12 MGR T 35W and 70W wall recessed luminaire Suitable for High Intensity Discharge lamps Comes in a rectangular shape Fully integrated magnetic gear Generates a directed light beam High quality front with a plate with alet High protection class: IP55 Heavy-duty housing: IK08 Delivered with mounting housingIncassiInwall0049277INWALL 4 GRY DIR 35W G12 MGRT 35W and 70W wall recessed luminaire Suitable for High Intensity Discharge lamps Comes in a rectangular shape Fully integrated magnetic gear Generates a directed light beam High quality front with a plate with asymmetric outlet High protection class: IP55 Heavy-duty housing: IK08 Delivered with mounting housingInbouwInwall0049277INWALL 4 GRY DIR 35W G12 MGRT 35W and 70W wall recessed luminaire Suitable for High Intensity Discharge lamps Comes in a rectangular shape Fully integrated magnetic gear Generates a directed light beam High quality front with a plate with asymmetric outlet High protection class: IP55 Heavy-duty housing: IK08 Delivered with mounting housingInnfeltInwall0049277INWALL 4 GRY DIR 35W G12 MGRT 35W and 70W wall recessed luminaire Suitable for High Intensity Discharge lamps Comes in a rectangular shape Fully integrated magnetic gear Generates a directed light beam High quality front with a plate with asymmetric outlet High protection class: IP55 Heavy-duty housing: IK08 Delivered with mounting housingRecessedInwall0049277INWALL 4 GRY DIR 35W G12 MGRT 35W and 70W wall recessed luminaire Suitable for High Intensity Discharge lamps Comes in a rectangular shape Fully integrated magnetic gear Generates a directed light beam High quality front with a plate with asymmetric outlet High protection class: IP55 Heavy-duty housing: IK08 Delivered with mounting housingRecessedInwall0049277INWALL 4 GRY DIR 35W G12 MGRT 35W and 70W wall recessed luminaire Suitable for High Intensity Discharge lamps Comes in a rectangular shape Fully integrated magnetic gear Generates a directed light beam High quality front with a plate with asymmetric outlet High protection class: IP55 Heavy-duty housing: IK08 Delivered with mounting housingInflld belysningInwall0049277INWALL 4 GRY DIR 35W G12 MGRT 35W and 70W wall recessed luminaire Suitable for High Intensity Discharge lamps Comes in a rectangular shape Fully integrated magnetic gear Generates a directed light beam High quality front with a plate with asymmetric outlet High protection class: IP55 Heavy-duty housing: IK08 Delivered with mounting housingRecessedInwall0049277INWALL 4 GRY DIR 35W G12 MGR T 35W and 70W wall recessed luminaire Suitable for High Intensity Discharge lamps Comes in a rectangular shape Fully integrated magnetic gear Generates a directed light beam High quality front with a plate with asymmetric outlet High protection class: IP55 Heavy-duty housing: IK08 Delivered with mounting housingRecessedInwall0049277INWALL 4 GRY DIR 35W G12 MGRT 35W and 70W wall recessed luminaire Suitable for High Intensity Discharge lamps Comes in a rectangular shape Fully integrated magnetic gear Generates a directed light beam High quality front with a plate with asymmetric outlet High protection class: IP55 Heavy-duty housing: IK08 Delivered with mounting housingRecessedInwall0049277INWALL 4 GRY DIR 35W G12 MGRT 35W and 70W wall recessed luminaire Suitable for High Intensity Discharge lamps Comes in a rectangular shape Fully integrated magnetic gear Generates a directed light beam High quality front with a plate with asymmetric outlet High protection class: IP55 Heavy-duty housing: IK08 Delivered with mounting housingRecessedInwall0049277INWALL 4 GRY DIR 35W G12 MGR     DataItem0DbT`nmspɥ@ڥVersionInfoCONTENTS<LightEmittingObj0$ GbT`nmspɥPLإVersionInfo CONTENTS =LampData0  KbT`nmspɥpɥVersionInfo GbT`nms/$?ףp= ?ףp= ?Y@ףp= ?ףp= ?ףp= ?ףp= ?MTA@l@:BKbT`nmsG@A@?@CONTENTS PhotometricObjIbT`nms` ѥ` ѥVersionInfo7CONTENTS0 3000/4000 HIT 35W G12 3000/4000 HIT 35W G12 3000/4000 HIT 35W G12 3000/4000 HIT 35W G12 3000/4000 HIT 35W G12  3000/4000 HIT 35W G12  3000/4000 HIT 35W G12  3000/4000 HIT 35W G12  3000/4000 HIT 35W G12 3000/4000 HIT 35W G12 3000/4000 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